


Direct Selling Global Sales 2017

If you are on this page, you’re here because you’re an athlete or you know someone else who’s an athlete. Therefore, you’re curious to know why athletes can develop into some of the most successful entrepreneurs in  the 180 billion dollar industry of Network Marketing, a.k.a. Direct Sales, MLM, Multi-Level Marketing, Social Marketing, Referral Marketing etc…

As a former NFL football player, I can answer that question with certainty. I have been a professional network marketer now for 8 years. I’ve built successful teams all over the world and have developed many accomplished leaders. During these eight years, I have worked with all types of people from all walks of life.  What I have easily come to recognize is there are specific qualities one needs to possess in order to have a chance for success in this profession. I like to call these the 5 C’s. If you have the 5 C’s, your chance for success increases drastically and athletes have the 5 C’s. 

So what are the 5 C’s?  View this short video to find out. 


See what I mean? The best part is, I know how to help athletes maximize those 5 C’s in our profession.

Are you ready to partner with a former professional football player who is now a full-time successful professional network marketer in one of the top network marketing companies?  In a profession where some network marketing leaders are making professional athlete type income?

Contact me at JJBIRDEN.CO and let's get you on the TEAM!

By the way, be sure to check out my company's Team Isagenix Athletes video!


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Motivational Keynote SpeakerFormer NFL Wide Receiver. ©2024 JJ Birden. All rights reserved. Privacy & Terms of use. Website by Avenue 25.

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