



Recently, I discussed how belief and mindset can help you overcome an underdog moment. While some circumstances are beyond your control, belief in yourself and a strong mindset are always within your grasp. Read more »

Shocking Wake Up Call for Business Pros | Motivational Speaker JJ Birden

Yesterday, I shared a post on wake-up calls that business professionals may have experienced. I also promised to share the wake-up call I received after being drafted into the NFL by the Cleveland Browns. Read more »

Unleash Your Championship Moments: The Winning Mindset

Are you able to recognize and maximize your championship moments? These are the times when you're crushing it, and everything is going right! Read more »

Business Professionals Have Wake-Up Calls Too

Business professionals also experience wake-up calls. I had my fair share when I owned Summit Medical and was the Co-Owner/Sales Manager for ProSpot Fitness. Read more »

The Power of Commitment After Attending An Event

After attending an event and taking notes, we leave feeling energized and ready to crush new goals with intentionality, right? Read more »

Thank You 6 Degrees Speaker Management

Professional speaker JJ Birden expresses gratitude to 6 Degrees Speaker Management. Read more »

Your Company Can Still Win As An Underdog

Organizations striving to catch up to the industry leader or facing perceived disadvantages often struggle in a competitive market. Read more »

Professional Speaker, JJ Birden Releases New Keynote Presentation, "Winning As an Underdog!"

I am excited to release my new keynote presentation, "Winning As an Underdog," because I believe this message can inspire and motivate others. Having experienced firsthand the challenges of being underestimated and overlooked, I am passionate about using my story and the lessons I have learned to empower individuals and organizations, helping them embrace challenges, persevere in the face of adversity, and ultimately emerge victorious. Read more »

Monday Morning Motivation!

It’s Monday morning, and everyone is ready to rock and roll. Is that you? Yes, no, maybe so? Mondays are a fresh start, a chance to set the tone for the rest of the week. It starts with the mindset you wake up with first thing in the morning Read more »

Master the Quality of Perseverance

Perseverance is one of those got to qualities that keeps you in a position to persist in a task or goal despite F.A.S.C.O. (failures, adversities, setbacks, challenges, obstacles) moments. Read more »


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Motivational Keynote SpeakerFormer NFL Wide Receiver. ©2024 JJ Birden. All rights reserved. Privacy & Terms of use. Website by Avenue 25.

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