
What's Your System?

What's Your System?

This is one of the most important questions you should ask someone when they are sharing their network marketing business with you. They should be able to tell you quickly (1) what it is, (2) how it works, and (3) answer "the big question" of whether it duplicates. I don't care how extraordinary their products are, how impressive the credentials of their owners are, or what amazing things are happening in the company. If you don't get the right answers to this key question, you might want to turn the other way and look for another opportunity.

Having a system that duplicates is the difference between success and failure. It is imperative that there is a systematic way to share your opportunity, enroll a prospect, get them started, and mentor them on the best path to grow a successful business. Then, they should be able to teach the system to someone else. To create true passive income, one of your primary goals as a network marketer is to "develop leaders, who go on to lead others who lead." At some point you must be able to take yourself out of the equation so you can continue to prospect and develop new leaders. However, if there is no established, proven system in place, this will not happen.

Having a system that duplicates is the difference between success and failure.

There are various definitions of the term "system" out there, but this one seems to resonate the most within the network marketing profession: "A system is the procedure of putting people through a very predictable process, hoping for a predictable outcome."

When evaluating a company or a potential business partner's system, here are four questions to keep in mind:

If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment and I'll get back to you. Don’t forget to subscribe to my Youtube channel, and connect with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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