


Pro Athletes Continue to Join Isagenix, Major League Baseball Player Jerry Hairston Jr Partners With JJ Birden and Team X 88 International

Quite a few NFL players have join Isagenix recently.  Players such as Ray Lewis, Tony Mandarich, Bryan Barker, Bert Emanuel and JJ Birden.  Now here comes the baseball players.  Team Isagenix welcomes Major League Baseball Player Jerry Hairston Jr. Jerry Hairston, Jr. knows what it takes to succeed in Major League Baseball. He's a third-generation MLB player who's played pro baseball since 1998.… Read more »

Pro Athletes Continue to Join Isagenix, Bryan Barker All Pro NFL Punter Joins Team Isagenix

I am excited to have another one of my former teammates joining me in Isagenix.  Isagenix is truly transforming lives whether your an All Pro Punter like Bryan or not they are making a difference. Bryan's been on the product a short time but is already noticing a difference. Bryan says, "Isagenix products are helping me with energy and nutrition to fuel my active lifestyle and they also help… Read more »

Bryan Barker Former NFL All Pro Punter Joins Isagenix With JJ Birden and Team X 88 International

Isagenix welcomes another professional athlete to it's company.  This time it's 16-year NFL All-Pro punter Bryan Barker.  Bryan who played for Kansas City Chiefs, Green Bay Packers, Washington Redskins and the Jacksonville Jaguars. He's very excited to be part of Isagenix as well as working with his former teammate of the Kansas City Chiefs Wide Receiver JJ Birden.  Bryan says, "Isagenix products… Read more »


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Motivational Keynote SpeakerFormer NFL Wide Receiver. ©2024 JJ Birden. All rights reserved. Privacy & Terms of use. Website by Avenue 25.

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