


Isagenix Top Videos - Why Network Marketing Leaders Are Choosing Isagenix

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Former Kansas City Chiefs Wide Receiver JJ Birden Scores Big with Isagenix

  For many athletes, once their professional athletic career is over, they are left stagnant with little or no work experience outside of their sport. For former NFL player JJ Birden, that was not the case. Despite earning a full-ride to the University of Oregon for athletics, JJ always knew his academics were hugely important in addition to his athletic abilities. "I never wanted to be known… Read more »

Isagenix Sales Continue to Grow

[caption id="attachment_3691" align="aligncenter" width="180"] Isagenix Owners Jim & Kathy Coover[/caption] Nice article written this week by Ted Nuyten on his Business For Home website on Isagenix projected sales to his $500 million for 2014.  This is one of the reasons why I choose this company due to its steady growth over their 12 years as a company.  They are not the fastest or the slowest… Read more »

JJ BIRDEN: LIFE IS SWEET AND GETTING SWEETER | NFL Alumni | Isagenix International Read more »

JJ Birden Resigns from Xocai Healthy Chocolate, Relaunches Team X 88 in Isagenix International

CHANDLER, A.Z.-- Athletes often make a name for themselves playing professional sports, and in the minds of many, making extremely good money. However, it comes as a surprise to many that after professional athletic careers are over, many Athletes are left with little to no work or field experience outside of their sport, and more often than not, without a future or a career. Yet, this is not the… Read more »

MLM Farewell to JJ Birden - Former Kansas City NFL Receiver - and Xocai Team Healthy Chocolate Network Marketer Joins Isagenix

  Sometimes change is good and necessary.  Yet change can bring on a level excitement and anticipation of what's yet to come.  As my wife Raina and I embark on this new journey with Isagenix, we are once again looking forward to changing lives health and wealth wise all over the world. If you are interested in working with us or would like to order our product, please contact us or go to If… Read more »

Isagenix Welcomes Former NFL Wide Receiver and Top Network Marketer JJ Birden

Athletes often make a name for themselves playing professional sports, and in the minds of many, making extremely good money. However, it comes as a surprise to many that after professional athletic careers are over, many are left with little to no work or field experience outside of their sport, and more often than not, without a future or a career. Yet, this is not the case for former NFL player,… Read more »

Isagenix Products | Isagenix 30-Day Fat Burning and Cleansing System | JJ Birden


Isagenix Network Marketing Guru Ben Stephenson Welcomes Network Marketing Leaders JJ and Raina Birden to Isagenix

I am excited to announce that 9-year NFL veteran (Cleveland Browns, Dallas Cowboys, Kansas City Chiefs, Atlanta Falcons) JJ Birden and his lovely wife Raina have joined forces with Isagenix to help create the world's largest health and wellness company. JJ and Raina are highly regarded leaders in the network marketing industry and previously built an international organization of over 30,000 distributors.… Read more »

School Of The Legends (SOTL) Improves Website For Former and Active NFL Players

I just logged in to the new SOTL website for NFL Players. All I have to say is very impressive. It's nice to see SOTL (School Of the Legends) make improvements that not only stays up to date with the world of social media but also gives NFL players a platform to continue to express themselves. With the new enhancements, we can be more creative in how we "share" with the rest of the world. Not to mention… Read more »


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Motivational Keynote SpeakerFormer NFL Wide Receiver. ©2024 JJ Birden. All rights reserved. Privacy & Terms of use. Website by Avenue 25.

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